
if the borrower has fully repaid the loan in between

 In the Secretary's discretion, sacrificing 3000 acres to prevent degradation to the other 24 million plus acres was consistent with the competing mandates to protect the environment and allow ORV use at the same time. The Secretary issued and Environmental Impact Report that contained his findings on the matter that took into account the complexity of the issue. The Court was correct in giving deference to the Secretary's interpretations on this issue.. Sorry it took me so long to respond (family members in the hospital better now). Thank you so much for your gracious and enthusiastic comments. It still baffles me that so many people assume professors are "close to rich." Most of us start off lower class and work our way up to the middle class. This is just to the environment and does not even consider the harm done to the survivors on both sides of the battle. Uranium comes in the form of an element and isotopes. The stable Uranium atom is generally written as ...